What would it take for you to save another persons life- Ask Dan Reynolds #more #than #hero #blood #brother #help #human #compassion #army #veteran #kidney


“It doesn’t take much to help another human being. You just have to have some compassion.” These words come from Army veteran Dan Reynolds, a man who has had his own share of difficulties in his lifetime. 

Difficulties? Like what? Like having to live in a van, instead of a house or an apartment, for some time.

Dan is a handyman in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA. He fixes things.

One day after doing some yardwork he noticed that Tony Antonelli, who lived nearby, did not look well, he looked pale and tired. Was there a problem, Dan wondered? He decided to find out.

Yes, there was a problem. Tony explained that four years ago he had undergone surgery to replace one of his failing kidneys. He had been given one from his wife, Mary. But now the kidney had started to fail. He did not have much time to find another donor. Without a donor he would have to go on dialysis for the rest of his life. Finding a match is difficult.

Without a moment’s hesitation Dan said, “I’d be happy to give you one of mine. In fact, I’d be honored!”

Just like that.

Immediately. Without hesitation. Tony and his wife were stunned at the offer.

When the two men went to the hospital with the request they found out that they matched, it was all good. It was great news for Tony, for his wife and his many grandchildren. 

The operation took place a few weeks ago, and it was successful.

It was a wonderful experience for Tony and his family. 

“Do you consider Dan to be a hero?” the CBS interviewer Chip Reid, asked Tony.

Without hesitation he responded: “Not a hero. A blood brother. Part of the family.”

#more #than #a #hero #blood #brother #it #doesn #t #take #much #to #help #another #human #being #you #just #have #some #compassion #these #words #come #from #army #veteran #dan #rey



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