It Mikayla Gounard’s Birthday but she is Giving It All Away to a Homeless Man!



Mikayla Gounard’s 12th birthday was just a few days away. She had an idea – a drive-by birthday fundraiser for Sean Currey. Who is Sean Curry? And why would a 12 year old have a fund raiser for him?

It is a long story, but a very inspiring and heartwarming one.

On December 10, 2020, Mikayla’s grandmother Evelyn Topper who lives in Mill Valley, bought some items at the Kamson Coffee Shop in San Rafael, California. After paying for them she tucked her wallet into her coat pocket and walked to her car. But she forgot to zip up the pocket.

Sometime afterwards, Sean Currey, a 57 year old man who has been homeless for about five years and lives in his car walked towards the dumpster. An article in the Washington Post says Sean has been having a particularly difficult time - he was hospitalized with pneumonia at the beginning of the pandemic, is now “doing handyman stuff where I can, but it’s hard not having a home base. Not having shelter is not a good feeling at all.”

He was about to do what he does most days – he rummages through dumpsters outside shopping plazas and grocery stores to find food and discarded items.

That day, however, was different. Sean found a wallet in the dumpster. A wallet thick with several Credit cards.

Did he think about using one of the Credit Cards? Yes, for just a fleeting moment, he thought about using the cards.

“Anybody in the position of being homeless and cold and tired and hungry, if they found a credit card they’re going to think about it. But whether you are going to act on it is two different things.” he said.

“I would rather be cold and hungry and know that I did the right thing.” he added.

But let us go back to Evelyn Topper. The 80 year-old woman is in her home about six miles away from where she shopped. She is frantic, trying to locate her wallet with the numerous credit cards, her driver’s license, and health-care cards. “She was distraught.” the article said.

Then during all the anxiety and panic, a strange number comes up on her phone. Warily she answers. It is a male voice asking, “Is this Evelyn Topper?”

After a brief conversation she drives to a nearby parking lot where she meets Sean. It is the parking lot where he sleeps in his old Chevy Tahoe.

That day, unknown to Sean, was also the first night of Hannukah and Evelyn Topper is Jewish. Hannukah is a Jewish festival that commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent rededication of the second temple in the second century BCE. It is also known as the Festival of Lights.

Sean’s act of kindness had a special meaning for Evelyn. “It’s a physical thing for me to get this (the wallet) but it’s the act itself,” she said.

On Mikayla’s birthday, she and her mother raised $475 for him. “People are still calling and writing, wanting to see how else they can help.”

The following day mother and daughter met Sean at a parking lot and gave him the money they had collected on Mikayla’s birthday. (Donations are still coming in for Sean.)

That meeting has morphed into a friendship for Sean with the whole family. Vanessa Topper, Mikayla’s mother has started a GoFundMe page set up for Currey. In an article on (Human Interest) Vanessa said,” This is not about charity. It is about compassion the highest form of LOVE.”

The whole experience has been “touching and refreshing” for Sean. He did a simple honest act, not expecting any financial reward and it has created new friendships and new experiences for him.

He has been uplifted to realize that his honest deed has moved others to do good deeds also.

“I believe I have a good heart and if I keep doing the right thing more people will too, and it will change the world in a small way for the better.”


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