Italian Family Adopts African Minor and Reunites him with his Grandmother! #Gambia #Africa #Mediterranean #kidnapped #story #MigrantHomeless21 #dream #Adopted #Miracles #Italian #young #Muhammed


       The world is overwhelmed with bad news but       


The world seems to be overwhelmed with the distressing news of

·        “wars and rumors of wars,” (Matthew 24:6)

·         “famines and pestilence” (Luke 21:11).

·         “earthquakes in divers places” (Mark 13:8)

·         Reports of the cries of starving and malnourished babies            and children in Yemen falling on deaf ears.

·         Reports that “hundreds of students, clergy, political leaders   and humanitarian workers” have been kidnapped by separatist fighters in Cameroon since 2017.

·         Reports from an Advocacy group (March 14, 2021) that “at least 38 people were killed in a brutal Myanmar crackdown.”

·        The ongoing war in Syria.

But here is some good news! Here is a story with a happy ending. A dream come through. A present day miracle.

Last year, 2020, I wrote an article after I had read a story about a young man named

Muhammed “Lexy” Sannah.
He was born in The Gambia in Africa. (Lexy is his childhood nickname.)

His parents died while he was still young and he, along with his two younger brothers, lived with their grandmother in the northern town of Basse. They were extremely poor, and life was difficult. Lexy pondered what he could to do to help his family.

Finally, he decided to take the arduous trip - trekking through the desert of North Africa to Libya with the hope of getting to Europe. He hoped to find employment at the end of the journey.

It took him a long time - nine months to get from his home in Africa to the island of Sicily.

Last year Ismail Einashe wrote a BBC Letter from Africa “about how Sannah (Lexy) had taken the perilous journey across the Mediterranean Sea to the Italian island of Sicily.” He mentioned “the torturous sea crossing”, “the terrified vomiting people in the middle of an expanse of rough water.”

Lexy reached Sicily in 2015 and stayed in a camp for migrant minors in Agrigento. Antonio and Guisella Ferraros, a married couple, ran the camp. They got to know the African young man. Not only did they get to know him, but they also liked and admired him.

Five months into his stay at the migrant camp the Ferraros decided and then did something wonderful. They telephoned Lexy’s grandmother in The Gambia and requested her permission to foster him.

“There is a process in Italy known as “affidemento” where a child is placed in the family or home of a government-certified caregiver or foster parent.”

Lexi’s grandmother was pleased to hear the news and gave the couple her blessing.

The couple and their children live in the town of Favara in the south of the island.

It was one of those “fairytale stories” where everything and everyone fits in beautifully and the story has a happy ending.

After being the foster child of the Ferraros, Lexy was soon adopted by the couple.  His life kept getting better and better. He worked with his foster parent at the camp for a while then found a good job at a pharmacy in Favara.  

He was able to keep his promise and send money back to the Gambia to help his siblings and his grandmother. They now live in Serekunda, which is the largest urban center in The Gambia, some eight miles west of the capital Banjul.

But there is more!

Recently Lexi was able to go on a visit to see his grandmother and his brothers in The Gambia.

On this journey he did not have to struggle through forests or walk on hot sand or endure a dangerous sea-crossing – he travelled by airplane. And his adopted mother travelled with him to meet his relatives in Africa.

It was a happy experience for all concerned. Guisella Ferraro, his foster mother enjoyed spending time with Lexi’s family.

Ismail Einashe has once again written a Letter from Africa - “Gambian migrant takes his Sicilian mother back home” on the BBC website: The Gambia.

He quotes Ismail as saying: “Everyone is treating me and my Mum like a prince and a queen, it’s just amazing!”

Didn’t I tell you – It’s not all bad news - some stories do have a happy ending!


#Gambia #Africa #Mediterranean #kidnapped #story #MigrantHomeless21 #dream #Adopted #Miracles #Italian #young #Muhammed


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