“Covid-19 devastated many communities. But not the Cherokee Nation.” #cherokee #nation #federally #tribal #government #unitedstatesf #america #citizens #2021

 “Covid-19 devastated many communities. But not the Cherokee Nation.”


The Cherokee Nation is the largest federally recognized tribal government in the United States of America.  It has more than 380,000 citizens around the world.

An Opinion piece on March 10, 2021 in the New York Times said that “Throughout the pandemic, Native Americans have been almost twice as likely to die from Covid-19 than white people. But the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma has defied statistics.” 

Is there a reason for this or did it happen just by chance?

“Covid-19 devastated many communities. But not Cherokee Nation.” was the headline for the Opinion piece by Sanya Dosani and Max Cantor.

“It all starts with universal health care and a history of self-reliance.” Add to that statement “when the government of the US does not provide support.”

Looking back to 1985, health care in the Cherokee Nation was underfunded and inadequate. The people were reliant on Federal dollars.

It was at that time that the first woman to serve as chief of the Cherokee nation, Wilma Mankiller (principal chief of the Cherokee) suggested that Cherokees ought to manage their own health care. 

“She was a radical person, a spark” one commentator said. “She ushered in a period of prosperity, cultural revitalization and self-gove

rnance for the Cherokee people.”

When the pandemic appeared in 2020 the Cherokee leadership followed the science where Covid-19 was concerned. The Leader of the Cherokee is Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. who was elected in 2019. Prior to that he served as the Cherokee Nation Secretary of State.

The head of the public health department ordered a mask mandate as early as May 2020, when many other states did not even think of ordering masks!

They also looked at “Ebola testing” in Africa to learn from that experience.

“Women have always played a central role in Cherokee society. Historically it is a matrilineal society, so we have always looked to strong women for guidance and leadership,” one commentator said.

In their opinion the Cherokee people have succeeded because of the trauma they have already gone through and overcome and the legacy of good leaders they have had.

“Three federally recognized Cherokee tribes are the only tribes in the United States with legitimate claim to Cherokee identity, ancestry and citizenship.”

The Cherokee Nation has gone through its three-phase vaccine distribution plan and is now helping the surrounding community by opening the distribution of vaccines to the public living within the Cherokee Nation reservation.

 #cherokee #nation #federally #tribal #government  #unitedstatesf #america #citizens #2021



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