Alexander Doba lived and died doing what he loved !! #aleksander #doba #loved #planet #earth #mountains #kayaked #atlantic #ocean #power #Kilimanjaro #Africa #death


Aleksander Doba loved planet Earth. He loved its seas, and its mountains.  He kayaked westward across the vast Atlantic Ocean, all by himself and under his own power - the last time in 2017 when he was 70 years of age. He had done it twice before when he was in his 60s.

“He was the most accomplished trans-oceanic solo kayaker in the world,” Fiann Paul said. Fiann of the Iceland Rowing Society International (ORSI) wrote about Doba’s amazing record.

(But who is Fiann Paul? He is just the world’s most record breaking explorer and holds the world’s highest number of performance-based Guinness World Records ever achieved within a single athletic discipline. He was born in Poland.) 

Aleksander Doba was educated at the University of Poznan and graduated as an engineer, but at heart, he was an adventurer.

Fiann Paul explained that Doba became the oldest human -powered ocean explorer to successfully perform an ocean crossing when he sailed across the North Atlantic in 2017.

How much time did Doba spend on the ocean? During his three major expeditions he spent 387 days at sea. He earned several Guinness World Records.

First to kayak across the Atlantic from mainland North America to mainland Europe.

First to kayak across the Atlantic from Europe to North America

First to kayak across the Atlantic from east to west.

First to kayak across the Atlantic in both directions

In 2015 Alexander became the National Geographic Adventurer of the Year. He received many of the highest awards and distinctions in his native Poland.

Let us look back at his history. Alex Vadukul’s article in the New York Times March 11, 2021 relates that “In 1989 he (Doba) surpassed the record for the most days paddled by a Polish man in a single year. He spent 100 days paddling the circumference of the Baltic Sea. Doba also kayaked the coast of Norway to the Arctic Circle.”

In 2010 he kayaked from Senegal to Brazil.

In 2013 he paddled from Portugal to Florida.

But Doba still had another challenge in mind. He arrived in Tanzania last month (February 2021).  On the morning of February 22, 2021, he reached Kilimanjaro with two guides. Another Polish climber met him on his way to the top of the mountain. He wished Doba good luck on reaching the summit.

And he did reach the summit. Wonderful!

Doba reached the summit.  Then sat down to rest. He was incredibly happy. Another achievement.


He had said many times before that he did not want to die in his bed.

His wish was granted.

Doba died on February 22nd, 2021.

He was not in his bed.

He was on one of the highest peaks on the planet, on Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa.

Way to go! Aleksander Doba, way to go!

 #aleksander #doba #loved #planet #earth #mountains #kayaked  #atlantic #ocean #power #Kilimanjaro #Africa #death  ===000===


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