Alderman Stephanie D. Coleman is the youngest African American member in the history of the Chicago City Council, representing the 16th ward. On Wednesday February 17th, 2021 she exclaimed “You’re an angel! You saved this baby’s life.”

Why did she say that? To whom was she speaking?


Ever so often, when it seems as if we human beings have lost our humanity and the understanding that we are “made in the image of God” a story bubbles up to the surface of life that restores our faith in ourselves and in others and lifts our spirit.


Last Wednesday evening February 17, 2021, 46 year-old Tony Taylor was driving in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood. His 5 year old daughter was quiet in the back seat of the car.  Suddenly the child shouted: “Daddy look! Look at that little girl!”

“Where?” he asked his daughter as his eyes searched the snow-covered area outside.

“Oh my God!” he said in shock as he saw a little girl dressed only in pajamas and with no shoes on her feet, walking alone in the snow.

Tony stopped his car and ran to the sidewalk where he picked up the child. He put her in the back seat beside his daughter. She was shivering and crying, and he noticed that “her feet were like icicles!”

“I asked her for her name, and she couldn’t answer because her mouth was shivering so bad,” he said, according to the story by Becca Wood NBC Chicago.

Taylor’s little daughter hugged the child and told her they were “going to pray for her.” As the shivers decreased the little girl told Taylor that she did not want to go home. Why? he enquired. Because her parents hit her, she explained.

The little girl began to feel warmer. She relaxed a bit and then said to Taylor, “Mister, Sir, I love you.”

“I love you too,” Taylor responded. “You will be safe. Help is on the way.”

“Thank you sir,” the child responded.

Taylor called the police, and they took the little 7-year-old girl to Comer Children’s Hospital for evaluation and to be placed in protective custody. The Department of Family Services was notified, and detectives are investigating the situation regarding the child. She was not reported missing and is in custody of DCFS according to WGN9 news.

That was the reason why Alderman Coleman called Mr. Taylor an angel. Community activist, Early Walker, who is well-known for his community philanthropy work in Chicago” added his praise to Taylor’s life-saving action.

“This could have been a totally different situation. We could have been standing here today offering reward amounts for a missing child. But instead, we’re standing here today praising Tony and his wife,” Mr. Walker said.

There was still more good news to come! The couple, Mr. & Mrs. Taylor are interested in adopting the little girl whose “feet were like icicles” when she is discharged from hospital.

At the time of writing this article the latest news from ABC7 is that the child has been discharged from hospital and is staying with extended family while the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services investigates what happened to her and why.





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