Tough Love for Megan Cohen turns things around!


Have you ever heard of tough love? Have you ever experienced it?

According to Wikipedia: “Tough love is an expression used when someone treats another person harshly or sternly with the intent to help them in the long run.”

Tough love is valuable and “it is the promotion of a person’s welfare, especially that of an addict, child or criminal by enforcing certain constraints on them.”

Jennifer Shablin could tell you a lot about tough love. She is a single mother of a daughter that she loves very much. 


Megan Cohen’s life was on the brink of disaster.  She was a drug addict who had spent time on the streets of Kensington, Philadelphia, USA. She lived in trash, she often slept in abandoned buildings. Although she had been to several treatment centers nothing seemed to help her. 

“Her addiction to drugs was so bad that she should be dead,” Jennifer Shablin said. How did she know that? Megan was Jennifer’s daughter. 

While Meghan was on the streets she was often treated kindly by complete strangers. She never forgot those incidents. They planted seeds of hope in her.

As time went on, however, Jennifer realized that she had two choices: She could either visit her daughter’s grave or she could visit her in jail.

She decided on the second option. She turned Megan in to the local Sheriff. Meghan spent time in prison and in recovery programs. But her mother’s difficult decision brought success. In 2019 Meghan was clean. No more drugs!

The inspiring story written by Matteo Iadonisi on 6abc Action news tells how the former opioid addict has not only turned her life around but in a gesture of gratitude has started to help other addicts.

Meghan never forgot the kindness shown to her by strangers when she was an addict. She felt that there was something she had to do in thanksgiving for the change in her life.

Meghan created the Grace Project.

What is the Project about? Every Thursday night Meghan, along with friends and family members, goes to Kensington. The visit is not for a party. They go there to sweep the littered, dirty streets and to give food, toiletries and jackets to the people who live there.

There are people openly using drugs. “People with serious medical issues are there being unattended to. It is shocking to see that a place like this exists not too far from where I live,” a volunteer who himself overcame the drug habit said.

The community supports the Grace Project with funds and donations, according to the article. Meghan hopes that it will evolve into a resource to support entire families who struggle with similar circumstances. 


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