Hope and firm faith in God will keep us going!


              WE WELCOME YOU YEAR 2021               

CBS had an inspiring program yesterday morning – on the last day of 2020 – “a terrible year” that has brought so much pain and suffering, so much despair and depression – to so many people in so many parts of our world.

Spiritual leaders of various faiths – Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, offered words of encouragement and hope on the program. “We are interconnected,” the Buddhist representative said. He was one of the group that encouraged listeners to face the future with hope and “feel the wind of spirit at our backs.”

At this time of change and uncertainty we need to depend more on “The Holy Other”, said Rev. Jacqui Lewis, Senior Minister at Middle Collegiate Church in New York City. “The Holy Other” is her personal term for God.

Hope and firm faith in God will keep us going is the opinion of the Hindu teacher Sanjeeta Koushik, who is an advisor at New York University. Yes, she says, there have been losses – some of them great, but there is a reason for the losses, and for everything we have suffered.  

Many people have feelings of despair, but those feelings are not from God. “Feelings of Hope are from God, she said.”

Love the stranger the Jesuit priest urged listeners. Love the one who is different. Love thy neighbor is mentioned in the Holy Bible but Love the stranger is mentioned many more times: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Hebrews 13:2.

“The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens. You shall love him as yourself.” Leviticus 19 33-34.

Another speaker urged listeners to remember and appreciate the wonderful example shown to us by the health care workers and by other workers - for example - those who work tirelessly on the subway.

The coming year should be one of healing. We need to bring Light into the darkness we have experienced and make the coming year one of Healing, Hope and Kindness.

“Feel the wind of Spirit at your back and let strength grow out of the wounds you have experienced,” another spiritual leader said.

For those who may still feel depressed, a leader reminded listeners that “Light overcomes darkness, every time!” So, we are encouraged to:

·        Be more aware of God

·        Rise out of the ashes

·        Listen to others with compassion

·        Express empathy to those who are suffering

·        Remember that goodness triumphs over evil

·        Light triumphs over darkness

·        Expect healing

·        Show kindness to others whenever possible

With all this in mind we should be on the way to having a better 2021.



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