Homeless but still saving others, Mr Keith Walker!


“God put me there to save them!” the man told CNN. Who is the “me”? A well-known evangelist perhaps? Or an aspiring politician? Could it have been an expert swimmer?

No, none of those. In fact, the ‘me’ we are dealing with is a homeless man. His name is Mr. Keith Walker, he lives in Atlanta, USA and he owns a dog called “Bravo.” From time to time Mr. Walker would walk past W-Underdogs where several dogs and cats have shelter. The facility often provided food and shelter to Bravo.

An article on the NBC News website on Tuesday December 29, 2020, tells how the owner of W-Underdogs was out collecting supply donations for the shelter when he heard the shocking news that the place was on fire. It turned out to be an electrical fire.

The next report from the Atlanta Fire Department was that someone rushed into the burning building “and helped bring the animals to safety.” After the animals were rescued other volunteers mobilized and brought the animals to the new facility.

The someone who rushed into the burning building was Mr. Keith Walker, the homeless man.

“Tonight, we thank our guardian angels. The homeless man that ran into our burning house and rescued our animals. Our animals are safe,” the facility said in a Facebook post.

Mr. Walker does not pretend to be a “macho man”. He readily admits that he “was really scared to go in there with all that smoke. But God put me there to save those animals. If you love a dog you can love anyone in the world. My dog is my best friend, and I wouldn’t be here without him, so I knew I had to save all those other dogs,” he said.

“A flood of requests” have come into the facility from people who wish to help Keith Walker. In addition, a GoFundMe has raised more than $36,000 as of Tuesday morning (December 29, 2020) the NBC News report said. “We have Mr. Walker’s best interest at heart and are exploring how to best manage donations on his behalf,” the facility said.

The cause of the fire at the shelter could have been an electrical malfunction. That shelter is no longer habitable. Now all the animals are safe and sheltered in a new facility.

#KeithWalker #dogs #animal #hope #homeless #atlanta                      



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