Bella Forsgren and Sanna Marin encourage diversity in Finland's public life.


 “We must all be focused on how we can make the program a reality,” Finland’s new and youngest ever Prime Minister, Sanna Marin said recently, “This is my mission.”

What program was she talking about? The Equality Program that will help improve the position of racial minorities. “Our backgrounds still affect the possibilities that we have in life and that should not be the case,” she added.

She feels that it is “a job for all Finns.”

Finland’s coalition government headed by five women began work almost one year ago. It is drafting a new and “ambitious equality program” having “dealt efficiently with the coronavirus pandemic.” The government meets behind closed doors at Finland’s House of Estates, a Renaissance building.

In December 2019 Sanna Marin began her new job as “Finland’s new and youngest prime minister.” She headed a five-party center-left coalition government – the members were all women.

“Feminism comes of age in Finland” “Women rule: what we’ve been waiting for” - these were some of the headlines in the newspapers.

For her it was an opportunity “to show the world who we Finns are.” What were some of the outstanding things that Finland had achieved?  An article by Megha Mohan and Yousef Eldin on the BBC website explains that:

·         In 1906 Finland gave both voting and parliamentary rights to women – it was the first country in the world to do so.

·         In 1907 nineteen women were elected to Parliament.

·         In 2000 the country elected its first female president

·         In 2003 Finland had its first female prime minister

Shortly after Marin’s appointment the World Health Organization declared that the Covid-19 outbreak was a pandemic.

By March 16, Finland was using the Emergency Powers Act (last used in World War 2). This was criticized in the media but supported by the public. Weekly updates by the young Prime Minster and her four top cabinet colleagues kept the public informed of developments. People were advised to stay at home where possible.

“We should be more focused on what the countries that have done well (in the pandemic) have learned,” she commented.

The population of Finland is 5.5 million and the country “has had just 370 deaths” from the pandemic.

“A few of the things that we have learned in Finland is it’s important to listen to scientists, to use all the knowledge that is there and to make bold decisions in uncertainty,” Prime Minister Marin said.

“People trust the government,” she added. “They trust the democratic order.”

Is there racism in Finland?  A 2019 report from the Council of Europe said 63% of people of African descent “experienced regular racist harassment” in Finland.

Bella Forsgren is the only black female MP in Finland’s parliament.

“The government must do more to encourage diversity in public life,” is the opinion of the leader of Finland’s Green League.

Marin agrees. Yes, our backgrounds affect the possibilities that we have in life. “That should not be the case,” she says. But it needs all Finns to help fix the situation.

The Equality Program will help to improve the situation of racial minorities. “We must all be focused on how we can make the program a reality. So, this is my mission as Prime Minister,” she told the BBC.

#BellaForsgren #SannaMarin #Finland #equality


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