TALES OF WHALES AND ELEPHANTS

Early this morning (Tuesday September 22, 2020) a mission begins to rescue some 270 whales off the coast of Tasmania. Yesterday, Monday September 21, a BBC report said "at least 25 whales are thought to have died" in the area known as MacQuarie Heads. 

The creatures became "stuck on two sandbanks and a beach." Nearly ten years ago a similar event took place in the area.

In another part of our world a mystery has finally been solved. The mystery was: Why did hundreds of  elephants die in recent months in Botswana, the landlocked country in Southern Africa? Botswana, formerly a British protectorate called Bechuanaland) is the place where one/third of Africa's elephants live.

The African Bush elephant is the largest living animal on land on planet Earth. It can weigh up to 6,900 kg. It is the second largest anumal in the world.(The largest living animal in the world is the blue whale.

Botswana  has the world' s larget elephant population estimated at 130.000.

Between May and June of this year 330 elephants are said to have died in Botswana.The carcasses of the animals were seen in the Okavanga Delta region., a BBC report states.

What was the cause of their death?.

They must have drunk water in which was Cyanobacterial neurotoxins  - toxins produced in water by microscopic algae, also known as blue-green algae,



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