
  SARAH’S VISIT TO GUATEMALA     IN NOVEMBER 2022.                                            By                                     BARBARA NELSON “O! Big news!!! I will be going on a mission trip to Guatemala from November 9-18,” my friend Sarah Vaughan emailed me. Sarah lives in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. “I’ll be going with a group from a Presbyterian church in North Georgia.” Guatemala is a republic. It is described as “a mountainous country in Central America south-east of Mexico.” The country has a narrow coastline on the Caribbean Sea, while the Pacific Ocean is to the south. It   is bordered by Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico. Guatemala is described as “predominantly poor.   49% of the population lives in rural areas of the country.” 55% of the people in   the country are indigenous. The main ethnic groups are the Maya, the Garifuna, the Xinca and the Ladina. So, what   was the reason why Sarah and the other folk were going to Guatemala? She explained that pl

REST IN PEACE, DESMOND TUTU #great warmth and humor #the sun has gone down #the rebellious priest #nobel prize winner #anti-apartheid #a mentor # God made you beautiful

                                     REST IN PEACE, DESMOND TUTU "Christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved ones - this year especially I understand why," Queen Elizabeth, 95, said on December 25, 2021. It was her first annual Christmas message since her husband Prince Phillip died. The following day, Queen Elizabeth, in reacting to the death of Archbishop Desmond Tutu said, she remembered "with fondness her meetings" with Archbishop Desmond Tutu "and his great warmth and humour." "The sun has gone down in the middle of the day," a man in South Africa commented on the death of 90 year old Desmond Tutu. "It is a dark day," a South African women said. The Archbishop of Canterbury paid tribute to Desmond Tutu. "He just had this extraordinary, bubbly, overwhelming sense of humour." Desmond Tutu, "the rebellious priest" "never shied away from speaking his mind, he's been a prominent anti-apartheid crit


                                          In Jamaica we say:"Time longer than rope."                            "CLAUDETTE COLVIN, THE ORIGINAL ROSA PARKS" Nine months before Rosa Parks was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama, USA, for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white person,  a 15 year old girl was also arrested after she refused to give up her seat on a bus. The incident occurred on March 2, 1955, in the same place - Montgomery, Alabama, USA. The 15 year old girl was, like Rosa Parks, an African-American. He name : Claudette Colvin . She refused to give up the seat and move to the back of the bus. Sixty-six years later, according to an article by CNN  December 16, 2021, the court records about her case have been "sealed, destroyed and expunged, following a judge's ruling." Rosa Parks' action received far more attention than Claudette Colvin's during the Civil Rights Movement although it happened some time after. Many more people


                                  HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A FOGBOW? In The Book of  EZEKIAL  Chapter 1 verse 28 in THE HOLY BIBLE  we read:  "As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. and when I saw it I fell upon my face and I heard a voice of one that spoke." In another book of THE HOLY BIBLE, in THE REVELATION   of St. John The Divine Chapter 4 verse 3   it says: ".....and there was a rainbow around the throne, in sight like unto an emerald in appearance." I have always been interested in and excited by the sight of a rainbow. One of the most renowned poets of all time, the Englishman William Wordsworth, (1770-1850) whose poems "speak his love for nature and its beauty" wrote in a short, simple poem: "My heart leaps up" - he is filled with joy - "when I behold a rainbow in the sky,"  A few da

York - The Statue of a Black Man that was built up and then torn down

 YORK’S STATUE – Erected in February 2021                      Defaced in June 2021                               Toppled and damaged in July 2021  In February, this year (2021) I wrote an article about a statue that mysteriously appeared in a forested area in Mt. Tabor Park in Portland Oregon, USA. It was a statue of a black man, the first African American to cross North America and reach the Pacific Ocean. The man’s name was York. He was the slave of William Clark “an enslaved member of the Lewis and Clark expedition.” York  was forced to take part in the Corps of Discovery Expedition 1804 – 1806 to find an all water route to the Pacific. No one in the community knew how the bust of Clark got there. What was even more peculiar was that the statue of the black man, York, replaced one that was toppled - one of a white man, named Harvey Scott.  What was the reason why Scott’s statue was removed?  “Because of his (Scott’s) past conservative views on women’s suffrage, which he opposed.” Y

“TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES!” #Moshe, #Rabbenu #teacher #giving, #graduation #shoes #kind #mentor

 “TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES!” “Moses, also known as Moshe Rabbenu is considered to be the most important prophet in Judaism, and an important prophet in Christianity, Islam, and a number of other Abrahamic religions,” (Wikipedia.) He is well-known for the experience he had (recorded in Exodus 3:5 in The Bible) when he went to look at a burning bush and God called out to him: “Take off your sandals for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Another important historical figure, Joshua, was named as Moses’ assistant in the books of Exodus and Numbers (in The Bible).  Later he became leader of the Israelite tribes after Moses died. Joshua also heard an order to “Take off your sandals for the place where you are standing is holy.” At that time, the order came to him from “the commander of the Lord’s army.” Fast forward many centuries to the year 2021 and we find an 18 year old African-American young man, Daverius Peters who is happy – over-the-Moon happy. Why? This was the day that he

LOVE IS NOT JUST FOR THE YOUNG #bbc #french #macron #france #court #rejected #mladic #genocide

                              LOVE IS NOT JUST FOR THE YOUNG On the same day that the  BBC reported  French President Emmanuel Macron had been "slapped in the face on an official visit to the south-east of France" and the UN court had rejected "Mladic genocide appeal"    the New York Times carried a story about Wedding Bells. Joy Morrow-Nulton and John Shults Jr. celebrated their wedding! The article (published on June 7, 2021) is written by Tammy La Gorce and accompanied by a photograph taken by Lauren Lancaster. I had been waiting for the story. Ever since I read about the romance that began on May 14, 2019 between the two 95 year olds who had "both been widowed twice after 60-plus years of marriage" I wanted to hear about their wedding. "I hope I can make it to 100 so we can have five years together," Joy said just after the wedding to Mr. Shults in Ulster , N.Y. "He's a delight to be with." They were both born in May 1926, bo